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Our admissions cycle is held across two rounds. Each round accepts applications within a specified time-frame and selects fellows from the pool of submitted applications in that round.


Please note that you can apply only ONCE in the admissions cycle per cohort and only in one round. In case you miss the early application deadline, you can complete your application in the second and final round. 

We have a split admission process, with offers being extended & a substantial number of seats being filled in the early application round itself. Since the final round of applications usually tends to be busier & very competitive, a higher application processing fee is charged. Applicants are encouraged to submit their application as early as possible to give themselves the best chance of admission.



Early Application Round - I 


Application Deadline: 30th January, 2022


Shortlist Announcement: 1st February

Group Discussions: 2nd February

Shortlist for Personal Conversation Announcement: 3rd February

Personal Conversation: 4th-5th February

Offers to Selected Candidates: 6th February

Offer Acceptance and Payment: 11th February


Waitlist Payment: 13th February

Second and Final Round - II



Application Deadline: 30th March, 2022


Shortlist Announcement: 1st April

Group Discussions: 3rd April

Shortlist for Personal Conversation Announcement: 4th April

Personal Conversation: 5th-6th April

Offers to Selected Candidates: 7th April

Offer Acceptance and Payment: 11th April


Waitlist Payment: 13th April



We provide Financial Need Based Scholarships to students who do not have the funds available to pursue the Fellowship. Admission fee waivers (up to 100% scholarship) are available. To know if you qualify and want to apply for it send across an email of intent to

We have reserved upto $25,000 across our Winter, Spring & Summer cohorts for Financial Support.

FEES* (in USD):


Tuition Fees: $1221

Operation fees: $174

Technology & Partner fees : $90

Please note: Applicants who are nominated by the academic heads & principals of schools selected by our Global Selection Committee, get guaranteed Merit Based Scholarships ( ranging from 10%-100%) if they successfully make it through our selection process.

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